Kayak/Canoe/Paddle Board Rack Registration & Wait-list
Information & Procedures - 2025
Slip Availability and Procedures:
- There are 35 slips available for registration on a first come, first served basis (27 regular, 8 reserved for handicapped and seniors 65+).
- Registration (first come/first served basis): Register in person at the New Milford Parks & Recreation Office, 2 Pickett District Road, New Milford, CT 06776, Mon. - Fri., 8:00 am – 3:30 pm.
- A diagram of the available slips will be displayed in the P&R office.
- Applicant must be a New Milford resident or tax payer: Two (2) forms of proof required at registration; Current: CT driver's license or CT non-driver photo ID, vehicle registration, mortgage deed, one (1) year residential lease or property tax bill.
- Applicants must have or create a household account on our website: Applicant's name must be listed as an account member on existing accounts [reset password does not work: please call the office, Do Not make another account].
- Government issued proof of handicapped or senior (65+) status required.
- Park rules and regulations: Carefully read the rules and retain them for your records.
Slip Fee: $70 (only one (1) vessel allowed per slip).
- Vehicle pass not included: A separate vehicle park pass must be purchased at Lynn Deming to enter the park from Memorial Day through Labor Day.
Payment Methods
- Cash or Check payable to: Town of New Milford.
- Visa/MasterCard (3% non-refundable processing fee applies).
Calendar 2025
- Sat., April 5th: Vessels may be placed on the racks.
- Sun., Nov. 9th: Vessels must be removed from the racks by the 2nd Sunday in November or a $25.00 per day late fee will be charged! If late fee(s) are not paid you will lose the privilege of using the racks in the future.
- Sun., Nov. 23rd: Vessels remaining after the last Sun. in Nov. will be confiscated and you will be required to pay a $50 impound fee in addition to all accumulated late fees.
Please be Aware
- New Milford Parks & Recreation lifeguards, waterfront personnel & staff are not permitted to assist with the placement or removal of personal vessels from the racks or beach/water areas.
- The Town of New Milford and New Milford Parks & Recreation do not assume any liability for the loss, theft, damage or injury (or death) to persons or their personal property. Rack renters agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Town of New Milford and New Milford Parks & Recreation for any liabilities, theft, damage, cost or expense whatsoever arising from or related to any claim or litigation which may arise out of or in connection with the rack renters use and occupancy of the rental property, including but not limited to claims for personal injury or property damage/loss.
- Once all slips have been rented, the online wait-list will be made available to New Milford Residents.
- Registering for the wait-list must be done online by submitting the required information & documentation prior to check out (there is no charge for the wait-list).
- Wait-list applicants do not have preference of slips and will be offered a slip only if and when one becomes available (provided the slip can accommodate their vessel).
- The wait-list is only for the 2025 season and will not carry over.
Information Links: instructions, rules & regulations, and the calendar of important dates, can be found at the bottom of the kayak/canoe/paddle board rack registration page.