New Milford Parks and Recreation
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Parks & Rental Info


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= Unavailable     = Available

Facility Information

New Milford, CT 06776

Status: Open
Open for New Milford Residents Only

Application Info & Requirements

  • All applicants must be New Milford residents or tax payers and must provide proof of such upon submission of application (such as a valid driver’s license or tax bill with your name and address on it).
  • All applicants must have an account with New Milford Parks & Recreation to apply for park usage. 
     - Create an Account or Log In and add the applicant's name as a member of the existing account if not listed. (Do Not make another account if you have forgotten your login ID or password - please call our office Mon. – Fri., 8AM – 3:30PM).
  • Separate applications, filing & rain date fees are required per park.
  • Application Submission = minimum 7 business days prior to event (decisions and requirements sent via email).
  • Filing/Rain Date fees - payment required to begin the approval process.
  • Alcohol Permits, Guest Totals 50+ and Special Requests require P&R Comm. approval (meeting 3rd Mon. monthly - submission cut off = 7 days prior to meeting).

FEES 2025 (fees are subject to change prior to application submission):
  • Resident Park Usage Fee (non-refundable) due upon approval = $40
  • Rain Date Fee (non-refundable) due upon approval = $40
  • Organization Park Single Use Fee (non-refundable) due upon approval = $100 per field
  • Organization Park Multiuse Fee (non-refundable) due upon approval = $250 per field per season
  • Organization Rain Date Fee (non-refundable) = $100
  • Electrical/Light Use Fee (per hour, non-refundable) = $15 per hour
  • Lynn Deming Pavilion Rental fee (non-refundable) due upon approval = $200
  • Lynn Deming Multi-use Fee (non-refundable): businesses/organizations/groups/clubs = $125 per visit
  • Carlson's Grove Pavilion Rental fee (non-refundable) due upon approval = $100
  • Clatter Valley Pavilion Rental fee (non-refundable) due upon approval = $100
  • Security Bond (refundable) due upon approval = Amount TBD by application requests.
  • Porta-john rental (required min. = 1 unit, total number determined by guest total) = actual cost independently at your expense.
  • Tent Security Bond (refundable) = $500 per section of Town Green.
  • Irrigation Marking (non-refundable) = $50 per section of Town Green.
  • N.M. Police Officer for the duration of the event = independently at your expense.

PAYMENT METHODS (must have an account with New Milford Parks and Recreation:
  • Credit/Debit cards (non-refundable 3% processing fee for credit/debit cards - charged via third party and unrelated to New Milford Parks and Recreation fees).
  • Cash/Check: Either mail, use the secure drop box located at the front of the John Pettibone Community Center or bring to our office Mon. – Fri., 8AM – 3:30PM

Depending on your needs and event type, your application may require the following as determined by our Director and/or the Parks & Recreation Commission after submission:
  • Parks & Recreation Commission approval. (Commission meets the 3rd month of each month unless otherwise noted on the meeting schedule on file at the New Milford Town Clerk office, applications must be submitted a minimum of 5 business days prior to the meeting).
  • Cert. of Insurance (groups/organizations at your expense)
  • Alcohol Permit (P&R Comm. approval required - our form - link below)
  • Security Bond (refundable)
  • Electricity Fee (non-refundable)
  • Key/Lock Deposit (refundable)
  • Police Officer (independently at your expense)
  • Portable Restroom (independently at your expense)
  • Guest List (our form - link below)