New Milford Parks and Recreation
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Softball Leagues - Men/Women Register View Cart

Softball Players in Conference
Welcome to the 2025 Softball Season! 
The season begins Mon., April 28. 
Team and Player Registration
- All paperwork is online (hard copies will not be printed or accepted). 
- Team Info Sheet: A series of questions during registration.
- Manager's Roster (formerly preliminary roster): Online fillable form needs to be filled out online, saved as a .pdf  and emailed to
- The manager or sponsor registers the team from their personal or business accounts. (instruction link below).
- Managers: Your players will not be able to register for your team until your deposit has been paid and the office manually makes your team roster available. (Please be aware: this can only be done during normal business hours - kindly notify the office if have paid your deposit and your team is not showing up within 1 business day). 
- Managers can view their rosters online.
- Players registering with $0 payment due: Do Not create a pre-registration form! Continue with the payment process (you will not be charged).
- Players looking for a team to play on - register as a "free agent".
- Due Dates Calendar with penalties (link below)

We are always happy to answer your questions and guide you through this process. Please reach out to the office if you have any questions or need assistance.
 OR 860-355-6050
Due Dates
-Wed., Feb. 5th - First Managers Meeting
-Wed., Mar. 12th - Second Managers Meeting
-Fri., Mar. 7th - Final day to email Manager's Roster or add a player, register a team and pay a $150 deposit. Teams cannot register without a minimum $150 deposit. There will be a $50 late fee for any payments after this date.
-Fri., Apr. 11th, 3PM - Final day for payments and player registration. There will be a $50 late fee for any payments after this date. Any changes to managers roster must be approved by the board.
-Mon. April 28th- Softball League Begins!
All players must be registered in order to participate. If your team is found playing with illegal players your team will risk forfeiting the game with possibility of missing play off games. Any changes must be approved by the board.
Team Fees 2025
*Please be aware: These are the current fees for the 2025 Season (Your deposits were paid on the tentative estimate - Adjustments will be made to your account to reflect the correct balance due).

…………….. *$992.00 - deposit paid = amount due
Women's …….…..…….  *$879.00 - deposit paid = amount due
Payment Options
-Credit/Debit cards: Done at checkout online. (There is a 3% processing fee for credit/debit cards charged via third party, unrelated to the registration fees and non-refundable).
If you DO NOT want to pay the processing fee, create a **pre-registration form by following the cash/check payment instructions below.
-Cash/Check payable to the Town of New Milford: Create a **pre-registration online at check-out and place payment in our secure drop box located at the front of the JPCC building (photo below) or come into our office, Mon. – Fri. during normal business hours.
**Pre-registration DOES NOT register teams or players. You will only be registered when payment is processed - all due dates and penalties still apply.

Secure Drop Box

Register Activity Ages Grades Days Date/Time Fees
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Player Registration - Softball Men 2025 
18y and up N/A   04/28/2025 - 08/30/2025

$0.00 Res, $25.00 Non-Res
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Player Registration - Softball Women 2025 
16y and up N/A   04/28/2025 - 08/30/2025

$0.00 Res, $25.00 Non-Res
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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